Phone, Voicemail (Avaya)
Voicemail - Reset password and unlock voicemail account
If you have forgotten your voicemail password or have locked your voicemail account, please follow the steps below: 1. Please go to and click on Forgot Security Code? 2. Enter your extension/mailbox number (in the username box) and click send. * DO NOT FILL OUT EMAIL ADDRESS - LEAVE IT BLANK* Example: This is an example of the screen that you will receive saying that an email has been sent to you with a link to reset your voicemail passcode. This link will also unlock your voicemail if you happened to lock it. 3. Go to your email and click on the link to reset your voicemail. Reminder: Resetting your voicemail will also unlock your voicemail account. 4. Set a new mailbox password and click Save Password requirements: password needs to be at least 5 numbers 5. Once you have changed your voicemail passcode, you will be brought back to the sign in page 6. Go ahead and sign in to your voicemail box with your voicemail/extension and your new password and click Sign In Reminder: Your username is your voicemail/extension number, see the example bellow 7. Congratulations! you should now be back in your voicemail box THIS SECTION IS FOR ITS ONLY If the above does not work, see the article below.
VoiceMail - Mobile Phone Access to Voice Mail
Mobile Phone Access to Voice Mail With the latest upgrade to the voice mail system, everybody now has access to the basic license of the systems “Personal Assistant” feature. This feature allows you to accomplish the following: Check your voice mail from anywhere using your mobile phone and receive alerts when you get a new voice mail Make changes to your greeting, re-record your name, record an out-of-office message, activate/deactivate you out of office message Leave a voice message for any other employee of the College using the online directory Easily recover deleted messages for up to 99 days (only applies to messages deleted via the mobile client or Web Phone Manager and not from your extension) Step 1: Use the Web Phone Manager to enter your mobile device number into your account. This is what the system uses to identify your mobile device. Using a web browser go to to open the Web Phone Manager. Enter your voice mailbox number (extension) and passcode to log on to the system Click on “Personal Settings” on the left-hand side of the page and navigate to the “Phone Numbers” tab. Enter the number for the mobile device you want to be reached at in the Personal Mobile field. Logout of the Web Phone Manager and proceed to setting up your mobile phone. Page BreakStep 2: Setup your mobile device to access your College voice mailbox Open Apple Store or Google Play and search for “CX-E Voice” Download and install the app on your mobile device. Once installed, open the app on your mobile device. Click the following: Allow CX-E Voice to send you notifications Click “Login” Enter for the server name and leave SSL active Click Next Enter your voice mailbox number(extension) and password along with the number for your mobile device Click Next For Notifications select “Incoming calls and updates” Click Finish on the next page and do not activate the “Allow Anonymous Analytics” option You should now see your voice mailbox and any messages that are in it. Page Break Step 3: Using your mobile client
VoiceMail - Initialize Your Voice Mailbox for the First Time
Access Your Voice Mailbox From Your Telephone Dial voice mail extension 2600. Enter your security code. The default is five zeros when initializing you voice mailbox for the first time. From Another Telephone with Voice Mail Dial voice mail extension 2600. Press * #. Enter your mailbox number. Enter your security code. The default is five zeros when initializing you voice mailbox for the first time. From Another Telephone without Voice Mail Dial voice mail extension 2600. Press * #. Enter your mailbox number. Enter your security code. The default is five zeros when initializing you voice mailbox for the first time. From Outside the Office Dial 774-357-2600 Press * #. Enter your mailbox number. Enter your security code. The default is five zeros when initializing you voice mailbox for the first time. Initialize Your Voice Mailbox The first time you access your voice mailbox, you will be asked to initialize your mailbox. You must complete the initialization process for your mailbox to accept messages. Access your new Voice Mailbox using one of the options shown above Enter the default security code 00000. Follow the initialization prompts to Change your security code. Record your name. Record your personal greeting. Page Break Access Voice Mailbox Other Than Yours From Any Telephone with Voice Mail Dial voice mail extension 2600. Press * #. Enter mailbox number you are trying to access. Enter your security code. The default is five zeros when initializing you voice mailbox for the first time. From Another Telephone without Voice Mail Dial voice mail extension 2600. Press #. Enter your mailbox number. Enter your security code. The default is five zeros when initializing you voice mailbox for the first time. From Outside the Office Dial 774-357-2600 Press #. Enter your mailbox number. Enter your security code. The default is five zeros when initializing you voice mailbox for the first time.
VoiceMail - Basic Voice Mailbox Instructions
Accessing Your Mailbox From Your Office Phone From your office phone dial 2600 and then enter your security code From another Extension 1. From another extension on campus dial 2600 2. Press * à # à enter your extension 3. Enter your security code From off campus 1. From any public or mobile phone dial (774)357-2600 2. Press * à # à enter your extension 3. Enter your security code Accessing another Mailbox From Your Office Phone 1. Dial 2600 2. Press * à # à enter desired extension 3. Enter the security code From off campus 1. From any public or mobile phone dial (774)357-2600 2. Press * à # à enter desired extension 3. Enter the security code Getting Started If you want to …. Then enter … Listen to new messages 1 Listen to saved messages 5 Record a message for someone else 2 Change your password 3 1 4 Change your standard greeting 3 1 3 2 or 3 4 Change your busy greeting 3 1 3 1 or 3 5 Change your name recording 3 1 5 Change out-of-office greeting 3 1 3 3 or 3 6 Listening Options If you want to … Then enter … Pause 1 Forward 2 Delete 4 Save 5 Review 6 Skip to next message 7 Increase playback speed 1 4 Decrease playback speed 1 7 Skip ahead 5 seconds 9 Skip back 5 seconds 3 Skip to the next message 7 Below is a flow chart for navigating some of the other features of the new voice mail system.
Phone - How To: Use Avaya one-X Communicator
Before you can use Avaya Phone Services, you need to make sure that you are already connected to the BristolCC VPN. Avaya will not work if you’re not connected to the VPN 1. Click on the Avaya One-X Communicator on your Desktop 2. Sign into your extension. The password is either 1234 or your extension number. Remember this is not the passcode to your voicemail. How to Make Calls Once singed in you can make calls by entering the phone number or extension that you are calling in the box. You can press enter or the phone button to call the number in the box When you call folks, the number will come up as 508.678.2811 (Bristol Main Number). To hang up on a call just click on the red phone button How to Put Calls on Hold You can easily put calls on hold by clicking on the telephone button with the line under it. To take someone off hold, just click the only button available How to Transfer a Call If you need to transfer a call to a different number, please click on the phone with the arrow above it A box will appear, put the extension you want to transfer the call to and click OK How to Look Up an Extension You can look up a colleague’s phone extension by typing their name in the search bar and pressing enter or clicking on the magnifying glass The users name will pop up and you will be able to click on the phone button to call them. To go back to the regular screen, just click on this button How to Access the phone keypad Sometimes you might need access to the phone keyboard to hit things such as # or if you’re in a phone menu and you need to select a number. Click on the Show Dialpad button After you click that button, the dial pad will be visible / useable. If you would like to close the dial pad just hit the same button. How to Check Voicemail There are two ways to check voicemail. You can use the website, or you can call the voicemail box. Website: Mailbox number is your extension number Security Code is your voicemail passcode Avaya one-X Communicator: Make sure to show the dial pad and then click on voicemail and follow the prompts
Phone - Avaya Troubleshooting
Here are some FAQs that someone might run into while using Avaya one-X Communicator on their laptop My office phone speaker goes off when I make a call on my laptop / When I make a call, I can't hear anyone and they can't hear me When using Avaya on your laptop make sure that under Place and receive calls using is set to This Computer. If you have it set to Desk Phone all your calls will actually go through your desk phone that is signed in. If you are not sure what your setting is set to on Avaya please follow these steps 1. Click on Settings 2. Click on Log Out 3. Check that Place and receive calls using is set to This Computer 4. Log back in and you should now be able to mae calls from the computer.
Phone - Basic Phone commands - Forwarding to/ All Calls and Removing.
Call Forwarding/Send All Calls: Your calls can be forwarded to another extension or an external number either when you are away from your desk (on no answer), when your extension is busy, and all calls (for example when you go on holiday/vacation/out for extended time). Call Forwarding: You can send your extension to another extension or outside phone number. Note: If calls are not answered at the temporary extension, they are forwarded to your own voicemail. • To forward your calls (i.e. not Hunt Group*) to another phone, dial *2 then the extension, to switch it off/back dial #2 from your extension. Hence, calls to your extension will be diverted to the extension you are temporarily using or assign to answer for you. Example: You want to send extension 3333 to extension 2119. Press *2 then 2119. To remove, #2 from the phone assigned 3333. • To set an outside number to which your calls are forwarded dial *9 follow by the phone number you want to forward to (May need to include the 1.) Example: You want your extension to forwarded to an outside number, press *9 then dial the number. 15085551212 in this example. Diverting Calls (Send All Calls): You can divert your calls to directly to voicemail. The person calling will hear a beep. Note: Using this option all calls are forwarded to your own voicemail. • Dial *3 from the extension you are using. • Dial #3 to re-direct the calls back to your own extension.
Avaya -Log On and Off Extensions on the Avaya 46xx phone
Logging Off Office Phones Log your telephone off to prevent unauthorized use during an absence, or for privacy purposes or allow different users. Locate the Log Off option on the second Options Main screen. CAUTION: Logging off deletes all Call Log entries and unless automatic backup/restore is enabled, returns any options you may have changed to their default values. 4610SW IP Telephone To log your phone off from any application screen, press the Options button to the right of and below the softkeys. Then press the Page Right button. The second Options Main screen displays. Select the Line/Feature button on either side of the Log Off option. The Log Off screen displays the prompt “Do you want to log off?” To proceed, select the Line/Feature button on either side of Yes. To return to the Options Main screen without logging off, select the Line/Feature button on either side of No. Selecting Yes unregistered the phone from the call server, deleting your Call Log entries and returning any options you may have set to their default values. Selecting No displays the second Options Main screen; the phone remains logged on to the network and your Call Log and options values remain unchanged. 9630G IP Telephone Press the Menu soft key (Key is a capital A with the word MENU under it). Use the arrow keys to highlight the Log Out section Use the little circle button that lines up with the Log Out section to select Logout. Please the rectangle button under Log Out to confirm you want to log out The system will beep and this is confirmation that you have successfully logged off Logging Onto Office Phones 4610SW IP Telephone 1. Press the left arrow to remove a previous extension. 2. Enter your Extension and press the # button. 3. If you are prompted for a passcode (1234) or its your extension number if. If the passcode does not work please call ext:3333 9630G IP Telephone Press the rectangle button under Login Use the number keys to enter your extension number Press the rectangle button under Enter The password is 1234, if you get a password error try using your extension number as the passcode. If both numbers are not working please call extension 3333 for tech support. Press the rectangle button under Enter, to sign in The phone may give you an error message saying that the extension is in use Press Continue to take over. Press the rectangle button under Continue to proceed. The phone will then sign you in. If you need any assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to the Bristol Tech team at 774-357-3333. We're here to help!