Canvas for Faculty
How to Delete Test Student from Grades
This tutorial will show you how to get rid of the Test Student that appears in Grades. Note, if you click the View as a Student button after completing these steps, the Test Student will reappear in the Gradebook. Locate Test student in Course Section. Click Settings from your Course Navigation. This is found at the bottom of the list. Next, click Sections at the top and then the name of the course that appears. Then, click the name of your course that appears. Delete Test student in Course Section. Now you will see a list of your students. Got to Test Student and click the red X near their name (See image below). Confirm the deletion by clicking OK.
How to Course copy in Canvas
Course copying allows you to reuse your course materials from a previous term. You can bulk update your due dates to start with an updated course. You can also choose if you want to copy your old announcements into your new course. Prepare to bulk update due dates and prevent this common issue! What is the common issue? Your brand new gradebook is filled with 0's after your course copy. Let's easily prevent that! Prevent common Issue: Determine your "Automatically apply grade for missing submissions" usage. In your previously taught course that you would like to copy, go to Grades and click the grey settings wheel in the right-hand corner. Next, click Late Policies. Write down whether you checked off and are using the "Automatically apply grade for missing submissions" option. If you are, you will need to bulk update your due dates later on in the tutorial. "Automatically apply grade for missing submissions" runs when it finds a student who has not submitted work and the assignment is past due. If you do not bulk update due dates during the copy process it will fill your new gradebook up with 0's because it found your past due dates in your new semester. Prepare to update due dates: Write down semester start and end dates. Visit the Academic Calendar. Write down the start and end date of your previous term and the start and end of the upcoming term your new course will be in. You should have 4 dates in total. This will be used later on to bulk update your due dates. Click on your new upcoming course. Navigate to your upcoming course in Canvas. Never course copy starting from your older course. This will result in duplicate course content. Click "Import Existing Content" and fill out Import Content's 4 sections. This will be located on the first page of your course. Look to the right-hand side. Fill out Content Type. Click the Content Type drop down menu and click Copy a Canvas Course. You will see 4 sections you must fill out under Import Content: Content Type, Search for a course, Content, and Options. Fill out Search for a course. Under Search for a course, click into the field and then click on the name of your previously taught course. Fill out Content. If you do not want to copy your announcements, click the Select content option. Otherwise, choose all content. Fill out Options to bulk update due dates. (Do not skip if you use automatically apply grades from step 1.) Updating your due dates can now happen during course copy! In step 1 you determined your Automatically apply grade for missing submissions usage. If you are using it, you must choose a due date adjustment option. Failure to due so will fill your new gradebook columns with zero's. Click Adjust events and due dates to get started. You will see two options appear: Choosing Remove dates: This option will remove the old due dates during the copy process. You can then add new due dates in your upcoming course. Choosing Shift dates: This option will move your dates into the new semester! On the left side Beginning date and Ending date fields write the old start and end term dates of your previously taught course. On the right side write the new start and end dates. Click the Import button. This will start the course copy process. Check the status under Current Jobs. If the status provides a select content button, click it and check off everything you would like to bring over. Keep Announcements unchecked to exclude them. For visual aids on selection, check out this Canvas guide: Select All Group Content. The status will say completed once the course copy is finished. You may click Import Course Content from the first step to check up on the import status if you leave this page.
How to add VoiceThreads to Canvas
This covers adding graded and ungraded VoiceThreads to Canvas. To learn more, click to watch: Adding VoiceThreads to Canvas
Adding Captions to Videos using OneDrive and Sharing to Canvas, People, or Webpages
At Bristol, captions are required for all videos to ensure everyone can access the content. If you have a video that is missing captions you can use OneDrive in myBristol to generate them (after, you have options to refine the captions). Your captioned video can then be shared with others, added to a webpage, or added to a Canvas course directly from a module. Table of Contents: Why captions matter. Locate OneDrive and upload a video file from your computer. Enable closed captions in the video settings. Add the video to Canvas. Sharing the video. Why captions matter. Captions remove barriers related to hearing and audio comprehension. Everyone benefits from captions, making it easier for everyone to follow along or understand a video without disturbing others. This 2 minute video allows you to experience the barriers missing captions creates. The Importance of Captions Video (2minutes). Locate OneDrive and upload a video file from your computer. You may find OneDrive by visiting your Bristol email. Click on the blue cloud icon to the left of your screen once viewing your email. Next, click My Files and then the + Add new button. This will open a window that allows you to locate your video file that lives in your computer. Once you locate the file, remember to hit submit or open to start the uploading process. Enable closed captions in the video settings. Once your video is finished uploading to OneDrive, you will see the name of your video appear. Click on the name. You will be shown your video. To the right of your video, locate and click on Video Settings, then Transcript and captions, followed by the Generate button. You will now see a message asking you to confirm what language to generate the captions in. Click the Generate button that appears. Add the video to Canvas. Once your video is uploaded to OneDrive, and you have enabled captions, you can go to Modules in a Canvas course to add the video. You may watch the video or use the written instructions below it to continue. Uploading a Video to OneDrive, Enabling Closed Captions, and adding it to Canvas Video (5 minutes). Once you find the module you would like the video to be in, click the + button in the upper right corner of the module. Next, click where it says Assignments and choose External Tool from the drop down. Scroll through the alphabetical list of options and click on Office 365. This will show you your uploaded video file. Next, checkmark the video file and click Attach file. You will be brought back to the External Tool window. It may appear like nothing occured but if you scroll down you will see that the URL and Page Name are filled out with the video's information. Make sure Load in a new tab is not check marked (see image below). Then, click Add Item. Your video is now added to your Modules with captions. Remember to publish it so it becomes visible to students. At this stage, you may click the name of the video to watch it or move it to your desired position on the module.
How to Make Your Course More Accessible with Yuja
YuJa Panorama is a tool that improves the accessibility of digital media and course content. This tutorial will demonstrate how to use Yuja within your course. Accessibility Icons Next to items in your course (Assignments, Files, & Pages) you will see 1 of 5 different accessibility icons. The red octagonal icon indicates that item has a low accessibility score. The yellow triangular icon indicates a medium accessibility score. The green hexagonal icon indicates a high accessibility score. The green thumbs up icon indicates an accessibility score of 100%. The purple circular icon indicates the item is still being processed and has no score. The icons and scores are only seen by the instructor(s) of a course. Students will only see a blue circular icon. Students can click this icon to receive your content in different formats. You can learn more about that in this article: Alternative Formats: Change course content to suit your needs! Improving Your Accessibility Score Improving your score is really easy and Yuja will help you do it! Click on any of the Accessibility Icons in your course (even the green ones) to see it's current score and how you can fix it. First you'll see the Alternative Formats Menu. At the top you'll see your Accessibility Report Score and a gauge with number indicating how many things can be updated. Below that are buttons to generate alternative file types. When students click the accessibility button they will see all these file options, but not the Accessibility Report. Click on the Accessibility Report to see your document and what needs improving. Below we can see that this page has 2 Major issues; in this case both issues have to do with the contrast of text color in the page. This is a really easy fix and it's actually something that Yuja can do for you! Click on Fix Issue to see what Yuja recommends changing and if you're satisfied click Add Change, then finally Apply Changes. Your updated document will be viewable shortly after. Next we'll look at a document that can't be fixed automatically. This is a scanned PDF with an Accessibility Score of 0. Almost all scanned documents will have a score of 0 until the content has been OCR'd. OCR stands for "Optical Character Recognition." It is a technology that recognizes text within a digital image. Right now as far as a screen reader is concerned this is a blank document. You can close the Accessibility Report and return to the Alternative Formats Menu. Click OCR and then OCR Overlaid Tagged PDF. This will start using OCR technology to generate a screen reader friendly PDF. Once that's done you can now View or Download the new PDF. If you click View the PDF will open in a new tab and it will look the same but the document now has text data and you can highlight the words. Download the new OCR PDF then go back to the Accessibility Report and Drag & Drop or Choose Media to Upload. After choosing the new PDF click Update. As you can see our newly updated PDF has a much higher Accessibility Score. There are still some minor issues but unfortunately being a scanned document we can't fix the font size.
Importing Evolve Test Banks to Canvas
1. Download your Test Bank from the Evolve website. 2. Navigate to your Course in Canvas and click on Import Existing Content in the top right. 3. For the Content Type choose Blackboard 6/7/8/9/Ultra. Then choose the file you downloaded from Evolve. Choose Select Specific Content. Then click Import. 5. After the file is done uploading click Select Content. 6. In the Content window select Quizzes and Question Banks. Then click Select Content. 7. When the file is finished importing it will show Completed. 8. Next go to the Quizzes area of your course and locate the quiz. Click the options menu for the quiz and click Migrate. 9. Once the quiz is finished Migrating to "New Quizzes" you can delete the old one. Old quizzes will have an outline of a rocket ship icon, while new quizzes' icon is filled in. 10. You have now imported an Evolve Test Bank as a Canvas Quiz.
Adding Large YouTube Videos without Text in Modules
This tutorial explains how to add a large-sized YouTube video without text to a module. It yields this end result for students: Copy the right YouTube link. Go to YouTube and find the video you would like to share. Make sure you are on Video's page. Copy the url at the top of the webpage. Not use the share button. Add the YouTube video to a module. Go to your course's Modules and locate your preferred module for the video. Click the module's + button in the upper right corner. Next, click the drop down menu that initially says Assignment and choose External URL. Complete the following 4 steps: In the Url: box paste the url you copied earlier from YouTube. In the Page Name box write a name that describes what the video is about. Uncheck Load in a new tab. Hit the submit button. The video will now show up at the bottom of your module. For example, I added a video called, "Watch Biodiversity in New England Video". Optionally, you can reorder it to a different spot at this time.
How do I fill out my Simple Syllabus?
This tutorial explains Simple Syllabus! Use the Table of Contents to navigate. You may watch the video or scroll to find a pictorial for different tasks you can accomplish. Table of Contents Locate your Simple Syllabus in Canvas How Visibility Works How Editing Works Publish so students can view. Share before the first day of class. Track viewership. Making edits throughout the semester. Submit to your Dean. Locate your Simple Syllabus. Go to your course in Canvas and click Syllabus from course navigation. If all of your course navigation buttons are hidden, click the 3 line menu button to reveal them. If Syllabus is missing, manage your course navigation links to enable the Syllabus option, then return to this tutorial. How visibility works. The Simple Syllabus includes components you fill out that can or cannot be made invisible to student due to the MCCC syllabus checklists. Components you can't hide. MCCC required components cannot be made invisible to students. You will see a lock to indicate this. Components you can hide. The default template also includes suggested components that you can make invisible to students. You an click the slider to hide or reveal the components. How editing works. Editing is user-friendly! (If you have used Word, it is very similar.) Tutorials are included and easy to find next to each component. Find fill out tutorials in your syllabus! Click green bars on the right side of the component you want to fill out. This reveals technical tutorials and writing guidance. Adding custom components. Click the add button name the new component. For example, I can add a component named, "Lab Safety". Your new component will appear at the bottom of your syllabus. Reordering components. You can reorder components by clicking Reorder and then dragging the component names around. Alternatively you can use the up and down carrots to reorder. Click the close button to save your reorder and continue editing your syllabus. Resetting components. If you would like to return a component to its its original state before you originally edited it you can click the Reset button and check off the components you want to reset. Click the Next button and confirm on the next page to complete the resetting request. Some components you can't edit. Some components are automatically filled out for you and automatically update once a day. For these, you can not edit the items. If something looks off please click the help button while editing to start a conversation with support. Publish so students can view. Once you fill out all components you click the publish button in the bottom left corner of your syllabus. Students will be able to access your syllabus on the first day from your course. Share before the first day of class. Click the carrot next to the edit button after you publish your syllabus and click Share. This will copy a share url to your clipboard. Go to Inbox in Canvas or your Bristol email. Create a new email and all your students as the recipients. Write your email and paste in the share url. Send your students the email and they will be able to view your syllabus. Track viewership. After publishing, click Student Engagement at the top of your syllabus or View Report link. You will see: Your student's names View count Percent Read Last viewed date Making edits throughout the semester. Click the Edit button anytime during the semester to make edits. Hit the publish button again to publish your updates to students. The next time a student clicks on your syllabus they will the updated version. Submit to your Dean. After publishing your syllabus locate the Edit button, click the downwards facing carrot, and then print. You will see a PDF version of your syllabus appear. Look in the upper corner you will see a downwards facing arrow. Click this to start the download process. Go to where your downloads appear on your computer, for example, this may be the Downloads area. It may look something like this: For a full walk-through watch: How to Submit a Simple Syllabus to the Syllabus Checklist
🎥 Making Zoom recordings available to students.
Easily share your recordings through Modules or Zoom Meetings in Canvas. We recommend recording directly using the Zoom Meetings tool for seamless integration. Make recordings available to students from Zoom Meetings. If you course copy, these do not appear in your new course. Create your Zoom meeting within Zoom Meetings in your Canvas course. When you end the meeting Zoom will start uploading your recording to their website to store it and create closed captions and transcripts. After this is done, a link to the recording will automatically appear within Zoom Meetings under the Cloud Recordings tab for students. Simply direct students to click the Cloud Recordings tab within the tool (see below). Zoom Meetings in Canvas includes a spot to locate recording for that semester. Make recordings available to students from Modules. These will appear in modules if you preform a course copy. Zoom recordings expire 2 years after the recording date. Create your Zoom meeting within Zoom Meetings in your Canvas course. When you end the meeting Zoom will start uploading your recording to their website to store it and create closed captions and transcripts. Additionally, you will receive an email with a share link in your Bristol email once this process is done. Go to your email and copy the share link provided. Next, go to your course's Modules and locate your preferred module for the video. Click the module's + button in the upper right corner. Next, click the drop down menu that initially says Assignment and choose External URL. Complete the following 4 steps: In the Url: box paste the url you copied earlier from your Zoom email. In the Page Name box write a name that describes what the video is about. Uncheck Load in a new tab. Hit the submit button. The video will now show up at the bottom of your module. For example, I added a video called, "Watch Biodiversity in New England Video". Optionally, you can reorder it to a different spot at this time.