Solution articles having to do with Onedrive, please keep to the naming format.
OneDrive - How OneDrive automatically saves files you create within Office365
As you work on new documents, spreadsheets, etc. your work will save to Office 365’s OneDrive. You will see that OneDrive is listed in the apps when you sign in. I will use Word as an example but this can be applied to any Office applications. Open word. Double click, on the New blank document to open the document. Once you open the document, go to the File on the left. Go down to Save As (in the blue pane). It is going to autosave to your OneDrive. Your OneDrive is associated with your accessBCC login. Name your file and click save. The document is now saved to your OneDrive. As you work on the document it will autosave to One Drive. Retrieving documents from OneDrive To retrieve your document, go back to the Microsoft Office app page. Select the OneDrive file You will see the document or file that you saved. If you need more assistance please contact ITS at, 774.357.3333 or put a ticket in via accessBCC (highlighted below)
Onedrive - Backup Files
Below we will outline how to save files that may already exist on your system using the "File Explorer" 1. Login to the myBristol portal using your username and password 2. Select "Microsoft 365 Apps" on the student quick link launchpad 3. If asked by Microsoft to sign in, please type in your Bristol email ( 4. On the Microsoft 365 screen, click on "OneDrive" 5. Here you can select "New" which will allow you to start creating documents OR you can "upload" files/folders that already exist on your PC or USB 6. If you select files you can only add individual files. Folders will only allow folders. 7. Now you will need to search and select the file. THE LOCATION IS DEPENDENT ON WHERE YOU SAVED THE FILE This example has the document stored as "TEST DOC" under the documents folder. Click here to learn about File Explorer 8. Once you click "open" you will begin the process of backing up your file. In the upper right hand corner you should see the status of the upload 9. in the center you should see the current files and should see the newest one added. 9=10. You may need to adjust how the documents are being displayed. To do so select the line you want to modify (Name will gives options to list a-z, modified will give options to list newest first, etc)
OneDrive - Intro to OneDrive
OneDrive is cloud storage that allows users to access their data from any device that is connected to the Internet. You can easily store your files and collaborate with others. Users will receive 1TB of storage space. Your files will be accessible from any Internet-connected computer or mobile device. We recommend downloading the OneDrive App as well as other the Microsoft 365 app. Benefits of OneDrive Anywhere access to your files (must have an Internet connection) Backup and protect your files (system breaks you still have access to your files) Share and collaborate files How to Create New files and folders Click on New and you will be able to create New folders to stay organized, or you can create Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or OneNote files. These files will be saved on your OneDrive automatically depending on what folder you are currently in. Example: If I am in My files > Resume and click on New this will save the file here. When you open a New document, it will save as you type. In order to name the file, click on the down arrow to the right of Saved (1 in the picture below) and name your file. In the example below, I am saving to my Documents folder. To move this file to a new folder on your OneDrive click the arrow to the right of Saved (2 in the picture below) How to upload existing files and folders If you have files on your device, you can move them to the cloud so that you have access to them anytime that you have internet access. Click on Upload and select if you want to upload files or folders. You select more than one file or folder by holding down the ctrl key while clicking on the files or folders. How to Rename files and folders In OneDrive, find the folder you want to rename. Select it by clicking the circle to the left. Click the three dots to the right (1 in the picture) and select Rename (2 in the picture). You can also do step one and select Rename from the menu at the top of the screen. How to share files and Folders DISCLAIMER TO STRESS TO THE USER: It is important to be aware of who you are sharing files with, and what you are sharing with them. We want to make sure we are not sharing any PII or information that needs to be secure. We want to try to use People in Bristol Community College with the link so we don’t have files available to just anyone. Anyone with this link Allow editing or No edit rights Set expiration dates For security and best-practice reasons, we normally do not want to share documents with Anyone with the link. However, we do sometimes need to share with outside people/organizations. In these instances, you will want to set an expiration date on the file. For this example, we want to share a file called The Test Document.docx. Click on the file to select it and click the three dots and choose Share The default (and the standard) is People in Bristol Community College with the link, but for this example, we want Anyone with the link. Choosing this, Other settings will become available. In the image below, click on the MM/DD/YYYY to set an expiration date. Set file/folder password People in Bristol Community College (recommended) Anyone with an active account can access it (This includes: Staff, Faculty, and Students.) Allow editing or No edit rights People with existing access Specific People (recommended) Lockdown who has access to the file or folder Allow editing or no edit rights Send as a Microsoft message This will send a message from Microsoft to whomever you are sharing the file/folder with letting them know a file/folder is being shared with them. You want to populate the Message field with something. Leaving the Message field blank will often cause the email to get incorrectly flagged and moved to the recipient’s Spam folder. Copy link This will create a link that you can use in documents or send to others. Outlook This will open Outlook and allow you to send a message from your Outlook account to whomever you would like. This will allow you to send a more custom message than the first option. Manage Access Here you can see who has current access to a file or folder. You can easily remove access if you need to or adjust someone’s access. Hover your mouse on the three dots near the file /folder and click on Manage access Click on the three dots and you can remove, edit and view who has access to your share How to check the version history If a file has been on OneDrive and you or others have edited it, you can see the file version history. This is a great tool, especially if someone accidentally made changes to a file. Users can easily see all the dates that the file has been edited and recover the file if needed. Hover your mouse over the three dots and click on Version history Shared You can see files/folders that have been shared with/by you. Recycle bin If you accidentally delete a file/folder, you have 90 days to recover the files Sign into OneDrive on your system For the best experience with OneDrive, we recommend that you sign into OneDrive on your system. This will allow you to easily access your files on your system using File Explorer. Make sure to sign in using your third-party id! Example: If you don’t have OneDrive open, type OneDrive in the search bar, and click on it. Quick Tips Attaching in Outlook shows most recent oneDrive documents you worked on and you can easily browse
OneDrive - How to Upload a file
Uploading files to your OneDrive through myBristol is an easy way to view, edit, and save a backup of your file. After uploading, you can view your files from any computer when you login into myBristol. Watch How to Upload a file to OneDrive for a brief walk-through. <span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span>
Download a Powerpoint from OneDrive
In this tutorial we will go over how to download a PowerPoint file that was shared to you through a link. Step 1 Click the link that was shared to you. This could be linked within your online course or shared within an email. Step 2 In the upper left-hand corner click File. Step 3 Next, click Save as and choose either Download a Copy or Download as PDF. Now a copy of the presentation is saved on your device.
Print files located in OneDrive
In this tutorial we will locate print options for files in OneDrive. Files will appear on OneDrive's Home that you clicked on from an email, files you created or uploaded into OneDrive, or if your instructor uses OneDrive, files they shared with you or the course. Locate your file in OneDrive Let us locate OneDrive in MyBristol. Log into MyBristol. Click Online Courses in the green menu and then Microsoft 365 Apps. Click the OneDrive button. You will now see files you have recently opened on Home! This can be files located from an email, files you created or uploaded to OneDrive, or if you have opened files your instructor shared to your course from their OneDrive. If you would like to filter to a specific type of file you can choose the file type. You can also search for the file by name using the search bar. Locate the print options inside a file. One you locate the file, click on its name. Next click on the File menu button. Next, click Print from the list of options that appear. If presented, choose the format you would like to print your document in. For example, PowerPoint fles offer 3 different print formats. You may get an Open PDF button. Click it. Once it loads click the print icon in the upper right corner of the PDF.