Onedrive - Backup Files
Below we will outline how to save files that may already exist on your system using the "File Explorer"
1. Login to the myBristol portal using your username and password
2. Select "Microsoft 365 Apps" on the student quick link launchpad
3. If asked by Microsoft to sign in, please type in your Bristol email (
4. On the Microsoft 365 screen, click on "OneDrive"
5. Here you can select "New" which will allow you to start creating documents OR you can "upload" files/folders that already exist on your PC or USB
6. If you select files you can only add individual files. Folders will only allow folders.
7. Now you will need to search and select the file. THE LOCATION IS DEPENDENT ON WHERE YOU SAVED THE FILE
This example has the document stored as "TEST DOC" under the documents folder. Click here to learn about File Explorer
8. Once you click "open" you will begin the process of backing up your file. In the upper right hand corner you should see the status of the upload
9. in the center you should see the current files and should see the newest one added.
9=10. You may need to adjust how the documents are being displayed. To do so select the line you want to modify (Name will gives options to list a-z, modified will give options to list newest first, etc)