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Adding Captions to Videos using OneDrive and Sharing to Canvas, People, or Webpages

Modified on: Fri, Mar 14 2025 9:25 PM

At Bristol, captions are required for all videos to ensure everyone can access the content.

If you have a video that is missing captions you can use OneDrive in myBristol to generate them (after, you have options to refine the captions). Your captioned video can then be shared with others, added to a webpage, or added to a Canvas course directly from a module.

Table of Contents:

Why captions matter.

Captions remove barriers related to hearing and audio comprehension. Everyone benefits from captions, making it easier for everyone to follow along or understand a video without disturbing others. 

This 2 minute video allows you to experience the barriers missing captions creates.

Locate OneDrive and upload a video file from your computer.

You may find OneDrive by visiting your Bristol email. Click on the blue cloud icon to the left of your screen once viewing your email.

Blue cloud OneDrive icon.

Next, click My Files and then the + Add new button. This will open a window that allows you to locate your video file that lives in your computer. Once you locate the file, remember to hit submit or open to start the uploading process.

My files menu option and + Add new button being pointed out in the upper left corner of the screen.

Enable closed captions in the video settings.

Once your video is finished uploading to OneDrive, you will see the name of your video appear. Click on the name.

Name of video being highlighted in My files.

You will be shown your video. To the right of your video, locate and click on Video Settings, then Transcript and captions, followed by the Generate button.

Video settings, Transcript and captions, and the generate button being highlighted from the video's webpage.

You will now see a message asking you to confirm what language to generate the captions in. Click the Generate button that appears.

Pop-up asking you to confirm the spoken language of the video.

Add the video to Canvas.

Once your video is uploaded to OneDrive, and you have enabled captions, you can go to Modules in a Canvas course to add the video. You may watch the video or use the written instructions below it to continue.

Once you find the module you would like the video to be in, click the button in the upper right corner of the module.

A module's plus button.

Next, click where it says Assignments and choose External Tool from the drop down. 

The dropdown menu to add different items to a module. The external tool option is highlighted at the bottom of the list.

Scroll through the alphabetical list of options and click on Office 365. This will show you your uploaded video file. 

Office 365 external tool link.

Next, checkmark the video file and click Attach file.

External Tool OneDrive menu showing different items uploading into your OneDrive.

You will be brought back to the External Tool window. It may appear like nothing occured but if you scroll down you will see that the URL and Page Name are filled out with the video's information. Make sure Load in a new tab is not check marked (see image below). Then, click Add Item.

Final external tool options.

Your video is now added to your Modules with captions. Remember to publish it so it becomes visible to students. At this stage, you may click the name of the video to watch it or move it to your desired position on the module.

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