Course Materials and Bookstore
Brytewave and Online Bristol Bookstore Issues & FAQ
Purchased from the Bookstore and running into issues? This solution is dedicated to help navigate the bookstore buying process for Online materials and who to contact when you run into an issue. Before we start let us define some terms: There terms are used throughout this page. Brytewave account: This account stores your digital bookstore purchases. To add a purchase you need a Brytewave code. Brytewave code: Used to add your digital bookstore purchases to your Brytewave account. This is often found on physical receipts or your email receipt from the bookstore. Publisher code: Once you enter your Brytewave code you will unlock the publisher code. This is used to gain access to your digital book and additional assessments. Publisher account: This account is where your digital book and related assessments are stored. You unlock access by using a publisher code. Now, here is the general purchase and access procedure: This is a quick simplified steps list of what you may need to do in order to access your online book and related activities. Use this to see where you are in the process. Student buys code through bookstore. Student receives receipt with Brytewave code. Student makes a Brytewave account and uses Brytewave code. This unlocks a publisher code. Student follows their instructor's instructions on making a publisher account and use the publisher code to unlock an online book and related activities. Note! There is no consistency requirement for how instructors request students to access Publishers. Often, your instructor has either chosen to connect the Publisher to your Blackboard course using a tool OR you must login directly with the Publisher's website. FAQ: This area provides answers to issues you may encounter going through the procedure above. I did not receive a Brytewave code. Check the email you used during the purchasing process. Look out for an email from the Bookstore or from Brytewave, your code will be inside. If it was an in person purchase check the receipt. If no code found, contact the Bookstore to help locate your code: Bookstore contact information. If the Bookstore can't help call Brytewave: 877-612-2233. When I try using my publisher code in my publisher account it does not work. Help! Use the free trial option to get to gain access while you work on getting a new code. Often the free trial option is on the page where it asks you to enter in your publisher code. Request a new code. Regardless of who you contact, do not pay for additional materials. Email the Bookstore and request a new code: Bookstore contact information. Call Brytewave and request a new code: 877-612-2233. Contact the Publisher: Locate Publisher contact information. I can not find where to enter my publisher code! Contact your instructor for clarification and guidance. They decide the directions and method for getting to where you make and log into your publisher account. You may find your instructor's contact information by going to your course's syllabus or by clicking Schedule then "View Detailed Class Schedule" in myBristol. My publisher code is coming with my physical book but I need to access the online stuff before it arrives! Locate where your instructor would like to you make and log into your publisher account. Make an account. Use the free trial option to get to gain access while you wait for your book. Often, the free trial option is on the page where it asks you to enter in your publisher code. The login for my Brytewave account is not working. Contact the Bookstore for login assistance: Bookstore contact information. If the Bookstore can't help call Brytewave: 877-612-2233.
Contact Textbook Publishers