Accessibility Tools
Explore tutorials for accessibility tools in online courses.
ReadSpeaker: Listen to Course content in Canvas!
ReadSpeaker provides text-to-speech tools so you may listen to files or text in your online class. Two tools are provided! webReader for reading pages in Canvas, and docReader for reading files you click to open in Canvas. webReader Activate ReadSpeaker’s webReader tool by clicking the icon to listen to content found in Online Learning. It is located on the left side of your screen. Expand webReader’s menu to locate options like Click and Listen! docReader ReadSpeaker’s docReader tool becomes active after clicking on ReadSpeaker’s webReader icon in a course. Look out for the blue icon at the end of file links! Clicking the docReader icon opens a preview of the file with numerous tools to listen and read it through your web browser. Supported Document Formats: Microsoft Office Word, PowerPoint, and Excel spreadsheets. PDF. Rich Text Format. ePub digital ebooks. Apache OpenOffice / LibreOffice presentation, spreadsheet, and documents.
Alternative Formats: Change course content to suit your needs!
Alternative Formats allows you to change the format of materials to better suit your needs. In modules click the Alternative Formats icon to start. To learn more, watch Locate Alternative Formats (2 minutes):
ReadSpeaker TextAid: Listen to Content Across the Web!
This tutorial explains how a student can install and use ReadSpeaker TextAid to have a Canvas Quiz read out loud. This tutorial requires that use of the Google Chrome web browser. Installing TextAid To start using TextAid you will first need to be logged in to Canvas. Next, click on the Account button and then select Accessibility - TextAid Screen Reader. You will now be on the ReadSpeaker TextAid landing page. On the left-hand menu click on Web Reading (you may need to click on the … button to find it). In the Web Reading area, select the Computer tab, then choose your web browser (Google Chrome), finally click the link to go to the Chrome Store and click 'Add to Chrome' on the extension. Using TextAid Now that we have the TextAid extension installed we can start using it. Click the Extension icon (puzzle piece) in the top right corner of Chrome and click on ReadSpeaker TextAid (you can also 'pin it' for easier access). You can open TextAid on any webpage. If you are prompted to login to TextAid, return to Canvas and click the Accessibility - TextAid Screen Reader link in your account. This will automatically log you in. Using TextAid in Canvas Quizzes When using TextAid in Canvas Quizzes you should always either highlight the text and then click play or use the 'Snapshot' tool for text that can't be highlighted. To use 'Snapshot' click the icon and then select any area you need read aloud. This is useful for any area with text that cannot be highlighted like matching questions or text in images.
Yuja File Remixer: Make files work for you!
File Remixer allows you to take files you've found and convert them to different formats that may better serve you! The following tutorial shows you how to locate, upload, and remix files in File Remixer through Canvas. Locate File Remixer In Canvas click Accounts from Global Navigation. A side panel will appear. Click "Accessibility - File Remixer". Uploading files To change the format of a file you will upload it into Remixer. To upload a file simply click Upload. Your file will appear on the same page once uploaded. Remix files To remix the file click on its thumbnail. You will be presented with remixing options. You can click any to explore your file in different formats. If your file is a scanned document (There are words but you can't click on them or it looks like a rough image) first choose the OCR to see the same options but specifically to help convert scans to readable documents. Let's go over the options: Source File: View the document in its original format, suitable for download viewing. PDF: View the document in PDF format, suitable for both online and download viewing. Text File: View the document in a pure text format without any formatting styles, suitable for both online and download viewing. Immersive Reader: Allows for customizations to text preferences, grammar options, and reading preferences while following along with the audio playback. Gradient Reader: Enhances visual word recognition when reading by providing a guiding color gradient. EPUB: View the document in the ebook format, suitable for any ebook reader application. Braille: View the document in the braille grade 2 format, suitable for download viewing (a braille reader is required). Audio Podcast: Audio playback for documents, suitable for both online and download listening. Enhanced HTML: HTML documents will be displayed in a dedicated tab to customize the document's appearance using the Website Accessibility tool. OCR: Convert images with text into machine-encoded text that can be searched and read by screen readers.
Visual Accessibility for Canvas
Website Accessibility Widget The Website Accessibility Widget can be found in the bottom right corner of Canvas. If you have any visual impairments or just want to change how Canvas looks you can use this tool. Using the Tool This Accessibility Widget can make a wide variety of visual adjustments to your course. There are some predefined profiles available to turn on but scrolling down reveals customizations for colors and fonts fitting your exact needs. When you've finished making any adjustments you can click Save. Below are some of examples how much you can change the site. You can go as simple as changing the font all the way to creating your own dark mode.
Hide Timer in Canvas Quizzes
Once you have started a quiz in Canvas you can hide the timer from your view at any time. Step 1: Locate your quiz in Canvas and click on its name. Review the information about the quiz and once you are ready to start the quiz click the begin button. At the top of the quiz you will see the timer click the icon to the right of the timer to hide it. This 1 minute video provides visuals: How to Hide the Timer in a Canvas Quiz