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Getting Started with Cengage in Canvas

Modified on: Fri, Mar 14 2025 4:27 PM

If you've already created a MindTap course, you can easily integrate it with your Canvas course. There is a slight deviation from Cengage's default Canvas set up instructions. Follow the instructions below to learn more.

Add a MindTap External Tool Link to a Module and link MindTap.

Log into myBristol and go to your course in Canvas to get started.

  1. Click on Modules from Course Navigation. 
  2. Find the Module you would like to add MindTap to.
  3. Click the + button in the upper right corner of the screen.

On the Modules page of a course, a module called,"Access Your Book and MindTap Course" has been chosen for the MindTap link

You will be presented with a window, this will allow you to add MindTap.

  1. Click on the drop down menu next to the word add. It will initially say Assignment.
  2. Change the selection of Assignment to External Tool.
  3. You will then see a list of options appear. Click on the one called Cengage LTI Advantage.

Next, log into your Cengage account. This is a one-time process, and you will not be prompted to log in again.

Continue this set-up using the official Cengage instructions. 

  1. Visit the Integrate an Existing MindTap Course with Canvas Tutorial.
  2. Start from step 4 or start the video version of the tutorial at 1:30min (this is located at the bottom of the tutorial).
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