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How do I fill out my Simple Syllabus?

Modified on: Wed, Feb 26 2025 6:03 PM

This tutorial explains Simple Syllabus! Use the Table of Contents to navigate. You may watch the video or scroll to find a pictorial for different tasks you can accomplish.

Locate your Simple Syllabus.

Go to your course in Canvas and click Syllabus from course navigation. 

  • If all of your course navigation buttons are hidden, click the 3 line menu button to reveal them. 
  • If Syllabus is missing, manage your course navigation links to enable the Syllabus option, then return to this tutorial.

How visibility works.

The Simple Syllabus includes components you fill out that can or cannot be made invisible to student due to the MCCC syllabus checklists.

Components you can't hide.

MCCC required components cannot be made invisible to students. You will see a lock to indicate this.

Components you can hide.

The default template also includes suggested components that you can make invisible to students. You an click the slider to hide or reveal the components.

How editing works.

Editing is user-friendly! (If you have used Word, it is very similar.) Tutorials are included and easy to find next to each component.

Find fill out tutorials in your syllabus!

Click green bars on the right side of the component you want to fill out. This reveals technical tutorials and writing guidance.

Adding custom components.

Click the add button name the new component. For example, I can add a component named, "Lab Safety". Your new component will appear at the bottom of your syllabus.

Reordering components.

You can reorder components by clicking Reorder and then dragging the component names around. Alternatively you can use the up and down carrots to reorder.

Click the close button to save your reorder and continue editing your syllabus.

Resetting components.

If you would like to return a component to its its original state before you originally edited it you can click the Reset button and check off the components you want to reset.

Click the Next button and confirm on the next  page to complete the resetting request.

Some components you can't edit.

Some components are automatically filled out for you and automatically update once a day. For these, you can not edit the items. If something looks off please click the help button while editing to start a conversation with support.

Publish so students can view.

Once you fill out all components you click the publish button in the bottom left corner of your syllabus. Students will be able to access your syllabus on the first day from your course.

Share before the first day of class.

Click the carrot next to the edit button after you publish your syllabus and click Share. This will copy a share url to your clipboard.

Go to Inbox in Canvas or your Bristol email. Create a new email and all your students as the recipients. Write your email and paste in the share url. Send your students the email and they will be able to view your syllabus.

Track viewership.

After publishing, click Student Engagement at the top of your syllabus or View Report link. 

You will see:

  • Your student's names
  • View count
  • Percent Read
  • Last viewed date

Making edits throughout the semester.

Click the Edit button anytime during the semester to make edits. Hit the publish button again to publish your updates to students. The next time a student clicks on your syllabus they will the updated version.

Submit to your Dean.

After publishing your syllabus locate the Edit button, click the downwards facing carrot, and then print.

You will see a PDF version of your syllabus appear. Look in the upper corner you will see a downwards facing arrow. Click this to start the download process. Go to where your downloads appear on your computer, for example, this may be the Downloads area.

It may look something like this:

A grey arrow facing downwards on an envelope.

For a full walk-through watch: How to Submit a Simple Syllabus to the Syllabus Checklist

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