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Extron - MLC 100 Plus configuration

Modified on: Tue, Apr 2 2024 10:45 AM

Configuring Extron MLC100

  1. Configure Ethernet port of laptop to reflect IP:; Subnet:


How to manually configure IPv4:


  1. Connect Ethernet from laptop to PoE injector Data port. Then connect PoE to Extron MLC100 ethernet port.




  1. Open Extron GC (Global Configure)

Go to Tools Tool Belt Drop Down (4th Choice)

Note: password is Extron if missing.

  1. Firmware update. Click on the micro chip icon and choose the firmware file.

Toolbelt - Device Information

  1. Once completed to 100%, close Toolbelt. Proceed to GCP for unit will need to be verified and build.
  2. File, Open Project and open Extron folder to choose latest build.
  3. Under Build, choose Verify and allow Verify to run.
  4. Once Verify, Click Build and allow Build to Complete.

Remember to click Disconnect to remove the queue for MLC.


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