EMAIL - Manage Distribution Groups in O365
Distribution groups (sometimes called listservs) are an easy way to send an email to a large group of people at once without having to type everyone's email address.
1. Sign into your web version of Outlook (PWA Outlook works too)
2. Click the Settings icon
3. Click General then Distribution groups
5. Click on the blue "this portal"
a new window will open (this may take a while to load)
6. You will see a list of Distribution groups that you belong to and the groups that you are an Owner of
7. Click on the Distribution group that you would like to edit and click on the pencil
Adding/removing a member in the Distribution group
Click on membership and click the + to add someone or - to remove someone from the group
In this example, I am going to add someone to this distribution group
Click All Users and search for the person you would like to add. Add them by click on the + near their name and make sure to click Save.
The user is now apart of the distribution group.
If you would like to remove someone you would follow the same steps just use the - instead.
You can only manage the group if you are a group Owner.