How to use Internet Explorer
Modified on: Tue, Aug 22 2023 4:14 PMInternet Explorer is now discontinued. This means you cannot download or utilize the browser. See statement from Microsoft below.
Per Microsoft statement
"The Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) desktop application will be permanently disabled through a Microsoft Edge update on certain versions of Windows 10 on February 14th of 2023
Some computer programs still rely on Internet Explorer, so they have enabled a way to access this through edge. Follow the steps below to enable to the IE compatibility mode for Microsoft Edge
1. Open Microsoft Edge (you can do this by selecting the windows start menu then type "Edge"
2, In the upper right hand corner you will see 3 dots
3. In the drop down you will need to navigate to "settings"
4. On the left hand side, look for "default browser" then select the "allow" as seen in the screenshots below