Phone - Basic Phone commands - Forwarding to/ All Calls and Removing.
Modified on: Fri, Apr 22 2022 2:03 PMCall Forwarding/Send All Calls: Your calls can be forwarded to another extension or an external number either when you are away from your desk (on no answer), when your extension is busy, and all calls (for example when you go on holiday/vacation/out for extended time).
Call Forwarding: You can send your extension to another extension or outside phone number.
Note: If calls are not answered at the temporary extension, they are forwarded to your own voicemail.
• To forward your calls (i.e. not Hunt Group*) to another phone, dial *2 then the extension, to switch it off/back dial #2 from your extension. Hence, calls to your extension will be diverted to the extension you are temporarily using or assign to answer for you.
Example: You want to send extension 3333 to extension 2119. Press *2 then 2119. To remove, #2 from the phone assigned 3333.
• To set an outside number to which your calls are forwarded dial *9 follow by the phone number you want to forward to (May need to include the 1.)
Example: You want your extension to forwarded to an outside number, press *9 then dial the number. 15085551212 in this example.
Diverting Calls (Send All Calls): You can divert your calls to directly to voicemail. The person calling will hear a beep.
Note: Using this option all calls are forwarded to your own voicemail.
• Dial *3 from the extension you are using.
• Dial #3 to re-direct the calls back to your own extension.